The handheld MFA 500 belongs to the new generation of instruments for frequency analysis. With its flexible exterior and intelligent interior it has a unique application range. Simplicity, combined with the ability to analyze multiple frequencies for PLC communication, makes it a powerful tool.
AnAn invaluable handheld instrument for field measurement and analysis of PLC communication.
The MFA500 is an incredibly powerful tool for analyzing the frequency band from 3 to 500 kHz. Powerful analysis with recorded values in the PC software MFA Viewer
To determine if a PLC disturbance affects your PLC signals, MFA Viewer features a “shadow area” where you easily and clearly will find if a disturbance could impact your data reading. MFA Viewer displays the level in decibel microvolts (dBµV). Several standards, such as EMC, are included to
support real time measurements and post-analysis. These standards are represented by a red line
in MFA Viewer.
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